High-speed machine for producing stretch fabrics with high modulus


The HKS 2-SE PLUS is based on the machine concept of the HKS 2-SE. The machine has a modified knitting movement which enables the Koeper stitch lapping in addition to the charmeuse and double tricot lapping.

The two needle overlap is implemented by the GB 2 ground bar, which uses elastane. The result are articles with a higher elastic modulus. Swimwear, sportswear and shapewear with high stretch performance are just as much part of the HKS 2-SE PLUS products as fine lingerie qualities. If you are moving in a commodity segment for elastic articles and you want to obtain the highest productivity with your factory, the HKS 2-SE PLUS is your best choice.


Your Benefits of Investing in the HKS 2-SE PLUS

  • Two-way-stretch goods with a good return
    HKS 2-SE PLUS can save 5.9% of processing cost for every single kilogram of fabric produced.

  • High productivity
    HKS 2-SE PLUS is the fastest and most efficient machine to produce Koeper products. The output is 1.5 times that of 2-S, and equivalent to 3.8 times of double-jersey circular knitting machine.
  • Annual profit
    Koeper products are novel, with excellent fabric performance, becomes more popular in the market and can bring much higher profits.
  • Payback period
    Compare to circular knitting machine, HKS 2-SE PLUS becomes more profitable after 3 years production.

Technical Details

  • Working width: 
    130“ (+4“ working width extension)


  • Gauge: 
    E 32 up to E 40


  • Warp beam support: 
    Optional: 2x40“ or 1x35“ 1x25“


  • Batching device: 
    No. 34A(E)


  • Bars / knitting elements:
    Individual needle bar (shortstroke needle), tongue bar (chromium-plated tongue units), sinker bar with knockover readjustment (chromium-plated sinkers), two ground guide bars (GB 1 and GB 2 stitch-forming, shog up to 10 mm, wear-resistant, high-tempered guides for GB 2). All the bars are made of carbon-fiber reinforced plastic.

Characteristics of the fabric

  • Two-way-stretch goods with a good return
    A special lapping construction gives the fabric a very high elongation of up to 245%. It also has a good recovery.
  • Free cut goods with smooth edges
    Due to the special intermeshing of the elastane threads, the fabric impresses with its cut-resistant edges.
  • Soft touch
    The high mesh count in combination with the special lapping gives the fabric a soft and smooth surface with a flowing drape.
  • Fabric density
    With the same gauge, the fabric density of warp knitting is 25% higher than circular knitting, shows on the fabric with better tightness and fineness, it can bring special pressure comfort to wearer.




    • Dashboard

      Unser Dashboard ist eine Cloud-basierte Lösung, die Textilherstellern eine bessere Übersicht und Kontrolle über ihre KARL MAYER-Maschinen (Tricot, Lace & Raschel) bietet. Auf der Grundlage von Industrie 4.0-Prinzipien liefert dieses Dashboard Einblicke in Echtzeit und verwandelt Maschinendaten in umsetzbare Informationen für ein optimiertes Produktionsmanagement.

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    • Energy Efficiency Solution (EES)

      Monitor the health and performance of your machine from anywhere at anytime. The goal of energy efficiency is to control parameters with the ability to warn of deviations, to diagnose unnecessary energy consumption and to optimize CO2 emissions through corrective and preventive measures.

    • KAMCOS® 2

      Ein benutzerzentriertes Bedienkonzept

      Das KARL MAYER Command System „KAMCOS® 2“ ist eine moderne und intuitive Maschinenbedienoberfläche. Für eine einfache und vertraute Handhabung bietet die Automatisierungsplattform eine moderne Maschinenoberfläche mit Bedienfunktionen, die weltweit aus der Nutzung von Smartphones oder Tablets bekannt sind.



    Unser Dashboard ist eine Cloud-basierte Lösung, die Textilherstellern eine bessere Übersicht und Kontrolle über ihre KARL MAYER-Maschinen (Tricot, Lace & Raschel) bietet. Auf der Grundlage von Industrie 4.0-Prinzipien liefert dieses Dashboard Einblicke in Echtzeit und verwandelt Maschinendaten in umsetzbare Informationen für ein optimiertes Produktionsmanagement.

    mehr erfahren
    Energy Efficiency Solution (EES)

    Monitor the health and performance of your machine from anywhere at anytime. The goal of energy efficiency is to control parameters with the ability to warn of deviations, to diagnose unnecessary energy consumption and to optimize CO2 emissions through corrective and preventive measures.

    KAMCOS® 2
    Ein benutzerzentriertes Bedienkonzept

    Das KARL MAYER Command System „KAMCOS® 2“ ist eine moderne und intuitive Maschinenbedienoberfläche. Für eine einfache und vertraute Handhabung bietet die Automatisierungsplattform eine moderne Maschinenoberfläche mit Bedienfunktionen, die weltweit aus der Nutzung von Smartphones oder Tablets bekannt sind.

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